Saturday, February 27, 2010

Here is a video that is a spoof of the first episode of Pokemon. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Well now that I have some followers, and for those that might just stop in, I wanted to know more about my faithful readers. Here is a questionaire to see what you like.

What is your favourite food?

What is your favourite fictional character?

Do you fall asleep in class?

How do you pass the time?

Do you have any pets? (What are they and what are their names?)

What is your favourite website?

What is your favourite super hero/heroine?

What is your favourite restaurant?

What is your favourite TV show?

Is sleeping one of your hobbies?

What is your favourite book?

What is your favourite subject in school?

Who is your best friend?

What is your favourite sport? (Video games count even if my dad says they don't!)

What do you do at recess?

What is your favourite kind of music?

What is your favourite movie?

What is your favourite drink?

What do your friends usually call you?

How many siblings do you have?

Do you enjoy drawing?

Have you ever written a story?

Do you play an instrument?

Do you bother remembering your parents' birthday?

Did you think this questionaire was cool?

Answer honestly! And thanks for playing along...

Monday, February 15, 2010

There is a website that I like called It is like lego on your computer. You can build, play, and design whatever you want! You play games that other people have posted on roblox. You can also join groups and have a secret base. You even have your own avatar that you can customize in crazy fashions! You can talk to people online using bubble chat and check where they are at any time. It is a great website and i hope you like it.